Friday, January 4, 2013

New Start

I have fallen hopelessly behind with blogging this past year. I feel recharged with the start of a new month and year though! I am hoping to blog more on this blog as well as my other blog about Gavyn (

The last six months have offered up some big changes for our family and I am so excited to see what this year holds. In late Summer Ryan got a freelance job with a friend of his cousins, he was a very successful real estate agent starting a new company coaching other agents. After a string of freelance work Brian asked Ryan to go part time working for him. It was perfect timing, an answer to prayer, and completely unexpected. Don't you love that sort of thing? After only a few months working part time they had a meeting and realized that Ryan's position needed to move to a full time job. Woah! Again, totally unexpected but, so very hoped for. Technically Ryan is a full time contracted worker at this point. It seems like an exciting position for him, he is learning a lot of new skills, there is potential for growth and the best part, it is still graphic design. It is much needed security for our family and is really letting me take a deep breath and focus my energy on other things, not bills and when to pay what (the challenges of inconsistent pay periods)!

Skyler is a big First Grader this year at SCCS and has an awesome new teacher, Ms.Katelyn. She is young, energetic, full of enthusiasm and LOVES these kiddos. It has been a lot of fun to converse with her over the year about Skyler and school in general. He has been on some awesome enrichment trips already, he saw the George Washington exhibit at the History Museum and also saw The St. Louis Ballet perform 'The Nutcracker'. His favorite subject is Math, of course! And his reading is taking off like gangbusters. I have been excited to see his interests transition away from video games and more onto Legos and playing board games with Grandma and PaPa.

Nevin is in his second year of preschool and is going to be 5 in a few short weeks! Where did that time go? I still can not believe he will be going to kindergarten and riding a bus before I know it. I have been working closely with his teacher and therapists at school to come up with a really awesome plan to help him succeed and get ready for that transition. His new teacher, Ms.Pam has been really awesome and I am so happy for the switch, even after all my anxiety over it. God always has a bigger plan than I do.

Gavyn is getting ready to start his first year of preschool. I know, he's a baby! But somewhere in there he started to grow up a little and is actually ready for school. I am more excited for him to start than I was for Nevin and I think that's a good sign. It's good that I think he will like it, good that I think he will make friends and really good that we are in a school district that I feel comfortable sending my little three year old off to. He will always be our miracle baby and always surprise us with his determination and way of beating all odds.

Gideon is a little ball of baby energy and keeps me hopping. He is very aware of being the fourth child and knows how to get attention and keep-up already. I swear that kid will be walking before he's one. It is a joy to watch his big brothers interact with him, playing, caring, and just loving him to bits. He is my precious little surprise gift that God really knew what he was doing when he sent him to us. I'm gonna need that little boys joy in my life.

And me... I've been crazy like a chicken with its head cut off. Trying to keep up with two schools, therapists out the wazzo, a new baby, a marriage (!), Community Group, church, extended family and the few friends I manage to keep up with, my plate is full. Beyond full. Which brings me back to wanting to blog, to find a space for me, to get my thoughts down. If for nothing else in years gone by we can come back and read about the good memories I capture on here. A place for me to let out my thoughts, bad grammar and spelling mistakes included. And so I don't forget, my high for the day was when Ryan was reading the boys books (a Cars book) and came to the last page and said, "What is it?" Gavyn exclaimed, out of no where and it had nothing to do with the book, "A DRAGON!"

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