Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's New With Who

What is new with the Stanley's...

Ryan just finished up a 6 week stint at MoBap college. He was blessed to get a freelance job redesigning their campus magazine. It was a good fit for him, good pay and he made good lasting connections for future work. Now he is back to regular freelance work and working from home.

I have been on a decorating kick and was able to make some simple changes to our family room and also painted our dinning room. My friend Becky drew an amazing tree on the wall that I am going to paint over the next week or so.

Skyler is super busy and excited about preschool! He loves his teacher, is making friends and learning so much. It is so great to see things we have been working on for the last year finally clicking with the encouragement of his teacher. Four is such a fun age, he is still so little and learning and but old enough to know so much! I love having conversations with him about God, Heaven, bugs, spelling ect. You can just see the wheels turning and clicking all day long.

Nevin is doing good with his Speech therapy. He is such a little clown and makes everyone laugh. Some therapy sessions go by so fast because he is cracking us up so much. He is also very into being a two-year-old and trying to make his own way. Stubborn does not begin to describe Nev. I feel like all kids are a puzzle you are trying to work out and he is a really hard one! I worry about him being so smart and silly at the same time.

Gavyn just started Physical therapy with his Occupational therapy. I love both of the ladies who come to work with him. They are good at what they do, good with him and so encouraging to me. His one therapist has a child with hydro as well, it has been a great bonding experience for me to have someone to talk to about things that she knows all about. I am his mom and I have my bad days of worry but in my gut I believe he will be fine.

We are busy but trying to have fun.

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