Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Home Birth

I just watched the documentary 'The Business of Being Born' with Rikki Lake and found it super interesting but, a little misleading at times. I am not going to lie, I like to shock people now and again and when I tell people I had three of my four kids at home, it gets a good reaction. There was a lot of history in the movie about our country and how birthing has changed and how dramatically fast it happened. Some of it I knew but some of it was shocking. The information on how many infant deaths our country has in comparison to others was disturbing. If someone has a bad home birth experience you hear about it, it's national news but what about all these babies dying in hospitals? No one knows about that. Anyway.... I would recommend it. Can I give a little insight though? Here's my two cents.

First thing I have to clear up - I get asked all the time. I did not birth any of my four kids in the bath tub or any kind of water what-so-ever. I'm not a fan of the water birth thing. I actually gave birth the same way all four times, in my bed (hospital bed the last time), propped up with pillows. And contrary to what they say in the documentary that did not seem to make it any harder on me or the kiddos. I get what they were saying but the whole squat and slide out thing didn't work for me. Just saying.

Second - I was never naked giving birth! Seriously! What was with all those women being naked? Every time Ryan walked in the room - another pregnant lady in labor buck naked! He couldn't believe it, he asked me, what's up with that?! Haha....

I had to clear that up.

And you might be wondering what my over all thoughts of home birthing are after Gav. Would I recommend it? Would I do it again?

Yes and yes.

Here's why... If you get proper prenatal care and all of your tests done to make sure you and baby are healthy there should be no reason to question home birth. Giving birth is not a scary medical thing. It's a perfectly natural occurrence that our bodies are designed to do and handle. It is truly the most amazing, life altering experience. Giving birth was the most affirming, empowering experience of my life. I am woman - hear my labor groans! Again, if you and baby are healthy, baby is in a good position, home birth it up girl!

And if I was not a GroupB carrier I would totally do home birth again, if there is ever an again. Sadly, I can't take the chance with GroupB and sadly there probably won't be another time.

And after saying that, hospital births do not all have to be horrible, like the documentary leads you to believe. My birth with Gideon was really wonderful. You need to be admit about what you want, you have to know your stuff and you might have to be a bitch, sorry, but don't let them push you around. No one talked me into anything, I had to talk them into stuff. I know that was because of my history and things turned out a little shocking but it's also because I didn't let them push me around. I told them no about a number of things and you can too. You make your birth experience. Make it what you want it to be.

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