Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What we have been up to

I have no idea where this Summer has gone! Every morning for the last month and half Skyler wakes up and asks if I am taking him to school yet. This morning I realized that we only have two more weeks and I will be taking him to his first day of school!! Where did the last 4 years go by the way?

I knew this Summer was going to be a big adjustment when I was still pregnant with Gavyn. Getting used to 3 boys was going to take time. Everything just naturally takes more time, getting dressed, breakfast, naps... We are getting into a routine but things change so quickly with a new baby that it seems once we get used to it being one way it changes to something new. I would have never imagined all the other new things in our routine I would need to adjust to. Gavyn sees a Occupational Therapist once a week, Nevin sees the same OT once a week and Speech Therapy once a week. More doctor appointments than I would have ever thought imaginable! Between 3 boys going for shots, regular wellness check ups, NeuroSurg, Neurology...

I am not trying to complain, it is overwhelming when I think of everything we do in a week. I am not sure how people with more than 3 do it, at least if they are this close in age.

We are all really excited for Skyler to start preschool. He is so ready and it will be so great for him. It is time for him to have someone other than mom telling him how to do things. It will be nice to have at least one of those 3 days to be with just Nevin and Gavyn. It won't be much time but it will be nice.

Nevin's leg is healing! We went back last week, they took the cast off and x-rayed his leg again. They could see the fracture and it was healing but he still had a limp. They put a shorter cast on him so he is able to move his knee. We have been working on standing and stretching with it on. He is doing better and better, such a trooper.

Mr.Gav has started to sit up! A couple weeks ago he was trying and could sit unassisted for about 2 seconds. Now he can sit up in his crib for more than a minute at a time. He loves to look at himself in his mirror and watch his music toy. We are working on reaching, grabbing and rolling. He is not much of a tummy kid and does not want to roll around. I keep reminding myself that he will get there and is doing so good. He turned 6 months on the 19th and is over 16 pounds, 24 1/2 inches long. :) We started the rice cereal and he is doing OK. The first time he really did not like it but, each time he does a little better than the last.

Crazy busy and growing Stanley family is still here and kicking.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the updates! It will be so weird when Skyler is in preschool. It's not just for a week like VBS, and so it will probably take everybody a little while to get used to it.
