Friday, July 2, 2010

Clean Less Play More

Since bringing Gavyn home from the hospital the second time, my Mom has been able to take Mondays and Fridays off from her job to come give me a hand. We normally do doctor appointments, grocery shopping and extra cleaning those days. This Monday though, our neighbors who are starting a cleaning company used our house as practice for FREE. It was totally awesome to go do all of my shopping that day with my Mom and come home to a freakishly clean house. This week it has been so nice to not have to worry about the bathroom getting out of hand or the kitchen going to pot, especially since I had some sick little boys on my hands. But, the days that they were not sick we got to play so much more! It really reminded me to not worry so much about those things and get on the floor and play with my little men while they still want me to.

Today was so great as well because all the shopping was done and all the cleaning. We hung out at my house until after lunch so the baby could get a good nap and I could do some piddly little things. Then we headed over to Francis Park for a few hours which is my new favorite place to take the kids. At first Skyler found a little boy about his age that was willing to play and they had a great time. Running up and down the play equipment, chasing each other around the swings, just doing what little boys do. Gavyn sat in the shade happy as could be with Grandma. Nevin climbed up on the biggest play equipment and just ran around and around.

When Sky's newest little friend had to leave 3 big boys (about 12-13) showed up at the playground with some bouncy balls. They planted themselves at the little kids play area since no one was over there and started throwing their ball. For some reason Skyler decided he wanted to join them at being their ball catcher! Totally not intimidated by these 3 rather large boys, just started running after the ball and trying to throw it back to them. I have to admit I was a bit nervous when I noticed him over by them but they were 3 well behaved boys who were really nice to the little guy. They wanted to know his name and were pretty encouraging when he would try to throw them the ball.
Eventually Nevin tired of our games and wanted to go check up with everyone else so we went and sat by Grandma. He watched Sky for a minute and then the big boys. All the sudden he got up, marched over to the play equipment, walked up the little stairs and just stood in the middle of these towering boys. They stopped rough housing and just looked down on him, not sure what to do. I went to go get him but he planted his feet as only Nevin can, put his arms to his side and looked at me like, "I got this Mom." I guess when your best buddy happens to be your 6 foot Uncle Matt these kids were not intimidating in the least for my little 2 1/2 foot toddler.

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